The CFA’s CFE Credit Reference Guide is intended as a reference only and is subject to change without notice. This guide can assist candidates to find courses to successfully achieve their 3500 CFE credit requirement within three (3) years of enrollment. Once completed, candidates must maintain their designation by recertifying every three (3) years. (Last updated April 28, 2023)
- Fran-Guard (online or live): 300 Education credits
- Final Exam: 300 Education credits – for more information please click here.
Experience Credits (Max 500)
- 100 credits for every year of working experience within the franchise industry
Participation Credits (Max 500)
- CFA Membership: 100 credits (Earn a maximum of 300 credits within three years. The remaining credits must be earned by attendance at live/online events or committee volunteering)
- CFA Committee: 100 credits
- CFA Committee Meetings: 50 credits for each meeting attended
- CFA National Convention: 100 credits
- Learn & Grow webinars: 50 credits each webinar
- Franchise Your Business (virtual or live): 50 credits
- CFA Franchise Law Day: 50 credits
- CFA Marketing Day: 100 credits
Education Credits (Max 2500) – To register for CFA courses please click here .
- Franchise Your Business (online or live): 250 credits
- CFA National Convention: 300 credits
- Franchise Tutorials: 300 credits
- CFA Franchise Law Day: 200 credits
- Franchise Meets the Money (formerly Growth & Exit – virtual or live): 200 credits
- CFA Marketing Day: 200 credits
Credits you can earn outside of the CFA
- IFA Conferences and seminars
- Online CFE courses:
- Franchise Advisory Centre
- Franchise University at net
- BeaconLive video-on-demand
- Profit Soup Online
- University of Louisville Franchise Management Certificate: 250 credits per course; up to 1500 credits
- Georgetown Franchise Management Certificate Program: 675 credits per module; up to 1350 credits
For more information visit the CFA website. For questions, please email cfe@cfa.ca or Mary MacDonald (mmacdonald@cfa.ca)