Kumon named Angelo Chavez as its assistant vice president of franchise development. In the new role, Chavez will oversee the company’s market research and expansion...
Celebrating official opening with fries, curd, gravy, and rock n’ roll The World’s Largest & Original Poutinerie has officially arrived, finally bringing the nation’s most...
Independent survey highlights franchise owners’ excitement about PropertyGuys.com’s award-winning support and innovative business model PropertyGuys.com, Canada’s largest private home-sale network, is thrilled to announce its...
Kumon extended its 24-year streak as the No. 1 education franchise ranked by Entrepreneur magazine in its prestigious Franchise 500 ranking, published today. The company also...
Ryan Koon, KFC Canada’s president and general manager, is building upon the brand’s delicious history and Southern hospitality from his new position at the top...
In today’s competitive franchise market, franchisors are expected to do more than build a recognizable brand—they need to provide the tools and systems that empower...
The fitness industry is no stranger to innovation, but few concepts truly redefine how we think about working out. Enter Safe Sweat, a ground-breaking, first...
Why franchise professionals should be optimistic about 2025, in spite of looming political headwinds Contributed by CIBC As we enter 2025, Canadian franchise owners must...