Celebrate the joy of connection with festive flavours, special deals and holiday treats As the holiday season unfolds, Chatime, one of the world’s largest and...
Jimmy John’s, the popular American sandwich brand, opened its first Canadian location on November 19 at 197 North Queen St., Etobicoke. Jimmy John’s comes to...
Jimmy John’s, the popular American sandwich brand known for its high-quality ingredients and speedy service, will open its first Canadian location in Toronto on November...
Award-winning franchise model fuels Canadian expansion Edo Japan (Edo), a leading franchise experiencing dynamic growth across Canada, proudly marks its 45th anniversary with the launch...
Pizza Nova launches today a sweet and delicious dessert option, Cannoli Chips, in time for the holiday season. A modern twist on the beloved Italian treat,...
Markham, Ontario-based Kevito Group, which operates a growing portfolio of successful brands including Bake Code, Atealier, Botrista, and global bubble tea brand Chatime, is pleased...
Franchisors are challenged to juggle two key objectives that can often seem very opposed: maintaining a unified brand image while empowering franchisees to create customized,...
Metal Supermarkets is pleased to welcome Chris Hare as the new owner of the Metal Supermarkets’ store located at 2275 Stevenage Drive, Ottawa, Ontario. Operating...