A franchise system’s partners are truly the backbone of their business, which is why each year the Canadian Franchise Association awards a selection of franchisors...
Over $2.7 million raised to date as partners celebrate the 25th anniversary of That’s Amore Pizza for Kids Fundraiser Pizza Nova has proven yet again...
How does one go from working behind the scenes in a hometown restaurant to leading the acquisition and development of some of Canada’s most recognized...
By David Chilton Saggers Winning franchise concepts aren’t always the shiny, new concepts in major cities—they are often niche, emerging concepts embedding themselves in smaller...
New Year’s resolutions may be long behind us, but Canada’s fitness industry—and the exciting franchise opportunities within it—is as active (pardon the pun) as ever....
Owning a franchise is a challenging yet rewarding undertaking, especially for these mobile, service-based franchisees, several of whom began their business as a one-person operation...
Trendy treatments take centre stage in three franchise brands’ à la carte offerings By Georgie Binks Self-care is the term du jour for salons, spas,...