The world of franchising has evolved tremendously since Shafik Mina took over leadership of Mad Science four years ago. These days, he applies the lessons...
As a franchising executive, a former franchise owner, and a committed evangelist for business training, my combined experiences have made me one of the most...
An often overlooked (or sometimes minimized) component of pre-purchase due diligence when buying a franchise is the careful examination of the circumstances, restrictions, and conditions...
Franchise lawyers are well versed in the ins and outs of the franchise business model. It’s vital for prospective franchisees to fully understand all documentation...
A successful franchise brands are built on a strategic foundation that considers marketing across the corporate level and local markets. Whether you’re a franchisor overseeing...
Prospective franchise clients often ask when they should retain a lawyer. My answer is almost always the same. A franchisor client should retain a franchise...
Easy ways that small business owners can improve the customer experience—at every stage of their journey No matter the sector, franchised small business owners face...
Many entrepreneurs begin their commercial journey by opening a franchise. As first-time business owners, navigating the laws that govern employment relationships can be challenging. Often...
Franchising has long been a pathway to entrepreneurial success, offering individuals the opportunity to run a business with a proven model and established brand. While...