Anago Cleaning Systems on Franchise Canada Chats
Franchise Canada ChatsFranchise Canada Chats PodcastSeason 8

Season 8 Episode 2 | Anago Cleaning Systems: Clean Sweeps with Adam Povlitz and Rafiq Punjani 

If there’s one thing everyone agrees on, it’s that something will always need to be cleaned. Today’s guests are from Anago Cleaning Systems. Adam Povlitz, CEO, and Rafiq Punjani, the master franchisee of Manitoba for Anago Cleaning Systems, discuss putting a novel spin on the cleaning industry through unit mastery, increasing technology, and bringing client satisfaction to an underacknowledged sector.

On this episode of Franchise Canada Chats, we discuss: 

  • Turning franchising from a two-tier to a three-tier system 
  • How digital services consolidate the relationship 
  • Investing in customer relations software and marketing 
  • Using business expertise to give back in corporate social responsibility 
Gary Prenevost, president, FranNet of Southern Ontario and Eastern Canada; Rafiq Punjani, master franchisee, Manitoba, Anago Cleaning Systems; Adam Povlitz, CEO, Anago Cleaning Systems