One of Canada’s leading fast-casual restaurants furthers expansion in Western market Edo Japan (Edo), Canada’s first fast-casual, Japanese-inspired franchise in Canada, brings a new flavour...
This September, Baskin-Robbins Canada will donate 31 cents from the purchase of every Creature Creations – Into the Sea to BGC Canada and its network...
Ice cream brand first opened doors to Canadians September 5, 1971 September 5, 2021 marks 50 years of service to Canadians for Baskin-Robbins. From humble...
Marietta Snetsinger, franchise consultant and founder of Ascend Franchise Solutions, details her five “secrets” to getting to ready to franchise your business and highlights tips...
The Recognition Awards recognize outstanding achievements and contributions made to the Canadian franchise community in various ways. Here are the winners in the six categories...
After more than a year of living through the COVID-19 pandemic, many Canadians have been missing their favourite restaurants—and with 34 per cent of our...
The Canadian Franchise Association’s Awards of Excellence celebrate Grand Prize winners, Little Kickers and MaxWell Realty By Kym Wolfe Most franchise systems will tell you...