Having a reputable franchise brand behind you is a powerful catalyst for bringing customers in, and for bringing them back, provided that the franchise owner...
What you should know as a franchisee about insurance policies for your small business By Jennifer Tyrwhitt Gory While the average consumer is savvier than...
A: A very common question I get from those who are new to franchising is whether non-compete obligations are typical in franchise agreements. In its...
A: This may surprise you to hear, but branding is almost irrelevant! When most prospective franchisees are thinking about which franchise to buy, far too...
As a prospective franchisee, you should expect to get a crash course in franchise law as a fringe benefit of purchasing a franchise. Expert Richard Leblanc...
From forced closures to strict regulations on businesses throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, all business owners have had to adapt to the many measures put in...
Canadian franchisors and franchisees share how they focus on their well-being during difficult times By Lauren Huneault There’s no question that since the COVID-19 pandemic...
A: Most franchisees get a crash course in franchise law as a fringe benefit of purchasing a franchise. Counsel will gleefully dissect the franchise disclosure...