Franchise Canada ChatsFranchise Canada TV

Franchise Canada Chats – Season 6 Episode 5 | Local Handyman Group: Diversity and Inclusion in Franchising (VIDEO)

In this episode, guest host sponsors Patrick Wyness and Travis Tinning from Franchise GrowthLab hang out with Local Handyman Group co-founder and CEO, Craig Jooste, along with multi-unit franchisee Blair Cheveldayoff who owns six franchises in the Greater Vancouver area.

The Local Handyman Group is a collection of handyman brands across Canada that provide services to complete an array of home and business projects.

You can expect these key takeaways from this episode:

  1. The importance of considering diverse and inclusive franchise systems throughout the due diligence process
  2. How to succeed as a franchisee who identifies as a member of a diverse or minority group
  3. The key to how Blair found multi-unit success in his Vancouver community        

Rather Listen On The Go? Check Out the Podcast Audio Featuring Patrick, Travis, Craig, and Blaire!