Meet Steve Moorman, CFE!

Steve Moorman began his career in a family-owned business that was the first franchise for Mail Boxes Etc. USA in 1980. After the business was sold in 1988, Steve has amassed over 35 years of experience in the US and Canada, building sales and profitability to support franchisees seeking to achieve their dreams of successful small business ownership.
What inspired you to join the CFE program?
The curriculum for attaining the CFE designation covers all areas of franchising, much of which fall outside your day-to-day responsibilities. It’s a great way to expand your knowledge base. No matter what stage you are at in your career, learning new skills is important.
What does having your CFE Designation mean to you?
The CFE designation means that I have added a formal educational component to the many years of experience I have accumulated.
What has been the most challenging part of obtaining your designation?
The most challenging part of obtaining the CFE designation was allocating the time necessary to complete the program. It’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day priorities of your home and office, but it’s important to take the time to sharpen existing skills and learn new ones.
Do you have any advice for current CFE participants or those looking to get started?
Sign up today and begin with the educational components from the CFA and IFA. Many excellent resource materials are available to give you the credits you need and add immediate value to your current position.