What is the purpose of this Tool Kit?
In the wake of Ontario Bill 148: Fair Workplaces, Better Jobs Act, 2017 receiving Royal Assent in late 2017, the Ontario Ministry of Labour launched a new grants program that provides funding to eligible organization for initiatives designed to help educate employers on their obligations under the Employment Standards Act, 2000 (ESA).
The key objective of the Employment Standards Training and Employment Program (ESTEP) grant is to expand the scope of the Ministry of Labour’s existing education and outreach efforts by funding external organizations to develop programs aimed at educating employees and employers on both their rights and obligations under Ontario’s new labour and employment laws. Given that many of franchised businesses were affected by the recent changes, the CFA understands the difficulties business are facing in this climate, and believe we are well positioned to help you navigate the new employment landscape.
CFA launched their Employment Standards and Education Program for Ontario Franchised Businesses program shortly after our 2018 National Convention, and including this Tool Kit, CFA offers articles, webinars, presentations and other materials to help make the employment standards and labour laws of Ontario more accessible and easier to understand and navigate for our members, their employees, and the greater public.
The Employment Standards Act, 2000 provides the minimum standards for most employees working in Ontario. It sets out the rights and responsibilities of employees and employers in most Ontario workplaces.
This guide should not be used as or considered legal advice. You may have greater rights under an employment contract, collective agreement, or other legislation. This Tool Kit is a source of information about key sections of the ESA that affect our members the most. It is meant to assist you, but is not as detailed as the ESA legislation. If you have questions or concerns regarding the rights and/or obligations of your employees or employers, please consult with a labour lawyer.
Overview of the Employment Standards Act
- Definitions
- Required Postings
- How the ESA Applies
- Complaints and Enforcement
- Collections
- Offences and Prosecutions
- Agreements
Additional Tools & Resources by Province
British Columbia
British Columbia Employment Standards
Quick Guide for Employers
British Columbia Guidelines Manual
Fact Sheets by Topic
Summary of Alberta Employment Standards Code Changes
Alberta Employment Standards Tool Kit
Alberta Employer Self-Assessment Tool
Saskatchewan Employment Standards
A Guide to Manitoba Employment Standards
Fact Sheets by Topic
Applications & Forms
Ontario Employment Standards Tools
Ontario Employment Standards Forms
Fact Sheets & Guides by Topic
Employment Standards Laws & Regulations
Quebec Labour Standards (English | French)
Information for Employers (French Only)
New Brunswick
New Brunswick Employment Standards
Nova Scotia Employment Standards
Guide to Nova Scotia Labour Standards Code
Nova Scotia Employment Rights
Prince Edward Island
PEI Employment Standards
Guides to PEI Employment Standards
Employment Standards Information Sessions
Newfoundland & Labrador
Frequently Asked Questions
Northwest Territories
More employment rules and resources coming soon!
Leaves of Absence
- Sick Leave
- Pregnancy Leave
- Parental Leave
- Family Responsibility Leave
- Family Medical Leave
- Critical Illness Leave
- Organ Donor Leave
- Reservist Leave
- Child Death Leave
- Crime Related Child Disappearance Leave
- Bereavement Leave
- Domestic or Sexual Violence Leave
- Declared Emergencies Leave
- Reprisals
To help you and your franchisees better understand your Employment Standards Act (ESA) obligations, the CFA is hosting a number of free online and live events. Check back often to see what’s coming up.