The importance of having a mentor can’t be overemphasized. They’ve been there, done that, and know exactly what it takes to achieve your goals.

That’s why the Canadian Franchise Association offers Zor-2-Zor: Franchise Coach in Your Corner. It’s a free, volunteer-driven mentorship program committed to helping franchisors of all sizes grow.

As a mentee, you’ll be paired with a successful Canadian franchisor or consultant who can provide the concepts, values, and support you won’t find on the internet or in books. It’s an invaluable opportunity to receive first-hand guidance from mature mentors who’ve gathered years’ worth of industry experience.


  • Get strategies straight from the source
  • Gain accountability for your goals
  • Expand your network
  • Find innovative solutions
  • Receive timely feedback
  • Access more opportunities
  • Minimize costly mistakes

…and so much more!

Don’t go it alone when you don’t have to! Benefit from the collective knowledge of esteemed leaders, learn from their mistakes, and encounter fewer bumps on your road to franchise success.

“To be able to get advice and guidance from more established franchisors that have paved the way and learned from their own hindsight is invaluable to me.”

– Kristen Wood, CEO & Creator, The Ten Spot


Becoming a mentor is empowering. Not only does it give you an opportunity to “pay-it-forward” (helping to nurture franchises at the early stages of growth), but it can also be rewarding professionally and personally (expanding your network and providing fresh insights to your business).

That’s why the Canadian Franchise Association offers Zor-2-Zor: Franchise Coach in Your Corner, a volunteer-driven service to help its newest members learn from the collective knowledge and experience of mature members like you. It’s a volunteer-driven service, with the added benefit of reinforcing the franchise industry as a whole.

We know that as a long-time CFA member, you’re committed to promoting franchise excellence. And passing your baton of success is one of the best ways to do it.

It’s a win-win! You get to give back to the franchise community and at the same time gain a number of benefits.


  • Strengthen Canada’s franchising industry
  • Gain personal satisfaction for helping new or emerging businesses grow
  • Expand your network
  • Learn from future members of your industry
  • Increase your profile

….and so much more!

From strengthening the franchise model to guiding another entrepreneur to learning more about your own business in the process, this a rewarding opportunity you won’t want to miss. Sign up as a Zor-2-Zor mentor today!

“As a mentor, I was able to call on my experiences to assist my mentee to reach some of her goals and to overcome business challenges along the way. It is very rewarding to know you are helping, see the results and receive thanks.” – Murray Oxford, Jani-King Canada