CFA Submission to the Competition Bureau on its Enforcement Guidance Regarding Wage-fixing and No-poaching Agreements
The CFA met with the Competition Bureau on Friday, May 5 to discuss the CFA’s written submission on the Bureau’s draft enforcement guidelines regarding recent amendments to the Competition Act, which would criminalize franchisors and franchisees who include wage-fixing and no-poaching provisions in their agreements. The new provisions come into effect on June 23, 2023. READ MORE HERE

CEBA Loan – Request for Extension
The Canadian Franchise Association has sent a letter to the Minister of Finance, Hon. Chrystia Freeland MP, with a formal request that the deadline for the repayment of Canadian Emergency Business Account (CEBA) loans be extended until December 31, 2025. READ MORE HERE
- Educating Public Officials About Franchising
- Access to Labour for Franchisors and Franchisees
- Access to Capital
- Common Employer: Adopt the 4 Factor Test
- Ensuring a Fair Playing Field for Franchised Business under Environmental Legislation

Improving Access to Labour for Franchisors and Franchisees
Many franchised and non-franchised businesses are having trouble filling jobs at all wage levels. We are encouraging the government to make changes that will increase incentive for those looking for work as well as expand the pool of available workers in Canada.
The following articles are only accessible to members. To gain full access, please inquire with Lou Gevasi at lgervasi@cfa.ca about joining the CFA as a member.
Inflation in Canada likely slowed again in April, but economists say wage growth a top concern
A combination of easing global pressures and higher interest rates have brought inflation down significantly since last summer in both Canada and the U.S. READ MORE
Prince Edward Island – Speech from the Throne
The Honourable Antoinette Perry, Lieutenant Governor of Prince Edward Island, delivered a speech on behalf of the Throne addressing their plans for the province’s future. READ MORE
Annual inflation rate edged up in April, raises chances of higher interest rates
Statistics Canada said Tuesday its consumer price index was up 4.4 per cent compared with a year ago, up from a year-over-year increase of 4.3 per cent in March. READ MORE
Montreal plans $5,000 lump sum grant to businesses affected by construction
The executive committee approved the program with a budget of $4.5 million at a special meeting on Friday. READ MORE
WSIB offering monetary prizes to small businesses excelling in safety
The top three businesses receive monetary prizes. Gold is $10,000 while Silver is $6,000 and Bronze is $6,000. Deadline for submissions is May 19th. READ MORE
Travel, tourism sectors set for major recovery this year – but business spending lags | May 15, 2023
How women can access the funds they need to grow their businesses | May 14, 2023