Presented by the Canadian Franchise Association, the Franchisee of the Year Award recognizes top-performing franchisees for their unique accomplishments and excellence in business performance, community...
The CFA’s Recognition Awards celebrate individuals and franchise systems for their outstanding achievements, philanthropic endeavours, and contributions to the franchise community. There are six categories...
The Franchisees’ Choice Designation honours CFA member franchise systems with exceptional rankings in franchisee satisfaction. The Franchisees’ Choice designees are CFA member franchise brands who...
The CFA’s Recognition Awards celebrate individuals and franchise systems for their outstanding achievements, philanthropic endeavours, and contributions to the franchise community. There are seven categories...
Toronto, ON, April 4, 2023 – Peter H. Thomas, Canadian entrepreneur, investor, franchisor, author and philanthropist, has received the Lifetime Achievement Award from The Canadian...
Considered the pinnacle of franchise achievement in Canada, the CFA Awards of Excellence in Franchising are given annually to franchise systems that have demonstrated superior...
Presented by the Canadian Franchise Association, the Franchisee of the Year Award recognizes top-performing franchisees for their unique accomplishments and excellence in business performance, community...